Digital business growth solution

Aimed at your company’s employees

Reach new horizons by improving your employees’
engagement with Efectio!

What is Efectio?

Efectio is a digital HR tool for employee engagement, educating and skill-building, and connecting employees based on concepts found in gamification, microlearning, and health app integrations.

Neuroscience shows us that a combination of social learning, training programs, and gamification more effectively engages employees than traditional methods. Through gamification, Efectio promotes employee well-being, competence development, team-building, and brings company values to life.

Your Virtual Business Growth Assistant

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Your Virtual Business Growth Assistant

Why choose us?


News feed

Employee intranet for socializing: share posts, comment, and view the tasks completed by other team members


A virtual place where employees can exchange collected points for rewards and receive them in an automated way

Daily task

A fragment of micro-learning that has to be mastered on a given day, taking only 5-15 minutes of employees’ time


Offers employees an interactive way to answer a question of the day to measure team satisfaction

Numbers speak for themselves


of employees will reject a job offer if they find out that the company’s employees are generally unhappy


of staff will leave their current organization to work in a company that invests in employees development and training


of employees believe that a convenient platform that allows them to communicate and get closer to colleagues would increase job satisfaction

Our happy customers

91.5% of the employees who used Efectio would recommend it. We have received many letters with lovely comments. Here are just a few of them!



Employee Engagement Strategies: Bridging Generational Gaps in the Workplace

Today’s workforce is more diverse than ever, especially in terms of age. Companies often find themselves managing a mix of Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Each group brings its own set of values, expectations, and communication styles to the workplace. Crafting employee engagement strategies that cross generational divides is essential for…


Employee Engagement: Unlocking Its Power for Mental Health and Wellness

The connection between employee engagement and mental health is increasingly recognized as a critical factor in workplace productivity and employee retention. Engaged employees typically exhibit higher levels of job satisfaction and well-being, which can significantly impact their mental health positively. This blog post explores how employee engagement influences mental health and what organizations can do…


Employee Engagement: Leveraging Technology in Modern Workplaces

In the digital era, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping workplace dynamics and employee experiences. For modern businesses, leveraging technology is not just about enhancing operational efficiency—it’s also a crucial strategy for driving employee engagement. This blog post explores how technology can be utilized to boost employee engagement in contemporary work environments. Facilitating Seamless…

Useful resources

Happy employees → successful company