One on one communication

Conduct one on one meetings with managers and supervisors. Collaborate, discuss and achieve goals with efficient communication!

Improve workflow and communication with effective one on one meetings!

1:1 with Efectio platform!

Efectio provides a platform that enables collaboration and communication.

Our 1:1 meeting tool is designed to specifically tackle some of the issues that meetings

can have when they aren’t structured.

Organize your meetings

Organized meetings are key to effectiveness during high workloads, to save as much time and be as efficient as possible, and to create a structured plan for each type of meeting.

Structure your meetings

Build a meeting structure beforehand and all the points you want to discuss. Take notes during meetings and highlight any unresolved points to handle later.


Use our goals feature to keep track of points talked about in meetings to quickly check your and other people’s progress!

Efficient working

Write, share and save key takeaway points after every meeting!

Consistent meetings are key to success!

Regular meetings drive progress and are necessary for an active team to reach goals. It is advised that new workers schedule meetings on a daily basis; however, for others, one to six meetings per month may be sufficient.

Key factors to 1:1 meetings :

  • Building strong relationships

Get to know your managers and your team, build trust and confidence in each other! Teams that know each other better and have a better relationship work more efficiently. Most employees prefer to work with someone they know better rather than an acquaintance!

  • Improved efficiency

Managers and supervisors can conduct regular meetings to stay up to date with the team and ensure that everything is on track!

  • Employee development

One on one meetings provide a way to discuss employee personal development. These meetings can provide a valuable insight on the weak points that can halt employee personal and professional development.

Introducing Efectio Score

With Efectio Score you can track the quality of the meetings based on your company values and the expectations of the outcome. Set what you want to get out of the meetings and track if the goals were achieved. This is a great feature to set standards for meetings, keep track of quality and set future goals! Use our Insights tool to check your meeting history and the Efectio score!

Our customers

One on ones
During the pandemic, we looked for extraordinary solutions to help our employees strengthen team spirit and promote an active lifestyle. The tool offered by Efectio was a great choice. We also appreciate the professional support and responsiveness of the Efectio team, and in the future, we will definitely consider the possibilities to continue using the ideas implemented by Efectio.Martins PankeHead of Corporate Communications
What this project disclosed to us – no event had revealed the creativity and different talents of our colleagues in such an explicit way. During the challenge, we saw one surprise after another, a whole series of surprises! In the middle of the game, the leaderboard of the challenge changed significantly, and the teams began to think not only about the creative execution of tasks, but also about the tactics of the game.Agnete BustaCorp. “RĪGAS SILTUMS” – Public Relations and Communications specialist
If we could use one word to describe the Efectio month challenge at Bite, it would be ‘efficient’! By engaging in tasks and challenges that correspond to our company values, we have inspired each other to engage in healthier and more socially-responsible daily work and leisure activities. Together we can do more! #strongertogether.Ance KovaleBite – Head of Human Resources
So far, I have come across various health promotion platforms, but they have all been created by foreign companies. It is a pleasure that such a Latvian solution is finally available on the market. This, of course, facilitates mutual cooperation, making it quick and easy.Martins ZogotsConexus – Head of Environment and Working Safety Department
In collaboration with the Efectio team, we created an employee motivation program to define values ​​and encourage employees to adopt a healthier lifestyle. The results were great! Employees participated with enthusiasm, bringing together different generations and professions. Thank you, Efectio team, for being open, responsive and attentive to our wishes!Diana ValdemareLatvenergo – Marketing Project Manager
Efectio is a great tool that has improved relationships within our team and encouraged interaction beyond our monthly meetings. Beyond that, it helps people to learn something new about healthy lifestyles and to motivate colleagues to develop healthy habits.Guntis CodersAccenture – Head of Accenture Kurzeme region
One on ones One on ones One on ones One on ones One on ones One on ones One on ones

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