The Power of Gamification in Improving Company Culture
Gamification is a mechanism that has been introduced previously in the workplace. Still, just recently, companies started to adopt Gamification in their culture. %70 of global companies integrate Gamification into their work system, according to studies and statistics
Using Gamification during daily activities while providing safety and compliance training or educating employees about the company’s crucial policies and standards has shown effective and satisfying results. Gamification greatly improves a company’s culture on various levels, engaging employees in their tasks, increasing their satisfaction, and inciting them to work productively.
What is Gamification in the workplace?
Gamification is the act of introducing gaming activities to work tasks and programs that might require more work for employees to undertake following monotonous methods. Companies use different gamifying elements and mechanisms to modify the tediousness of mundane daily tasks like leaderboards, badges, and points. These elements boost employees’ enthusiasm toward accomplishing their tasks and promote creativity as they bring entertainment to the workplace.The main purpose that drives companies to employ these techniques is to engage their employees and enhance their feelings of belonging to the workplace. Beyond transforming repetitive tasks into entertaining exercises, some companies tend to design t shirts that carry their logos to foster such affiliation.

How Gamification improves the company culture?
As mentioned earlier, including Gamification in the company’s culture brings about a range of benefits for both companies and workers. Gamification intensifies employees’ motivations and encourages healthy competition.
However, companies should be aware of the psychological motives underlying employees’ readiness to perform particular tasks well. People get motivated due to two factors: intrinsic motivation, which in this case for employees would be getting more skilled in the job they perform, and extrinsic motivation, which is a reward or benefit they would obtain after achieving particular activities.
So, one benefit of Gamification in the workplace is increasing employees’ motivation, other remarkable benefits contribute to improving the company’s culture, and they are:
Incentivizing employees
When employees handle tasks like accepting a challenge, they are more prompted to accomplish their duties, especially when there is a clear path that enables them to watch their progress. Nothing has ever been more incentive for employees than being aware of their position in the workplace and knowing the scope of opportunities they have in the future, which Gamification allows when used in the workplace.
When employees are motivated, they are more productive, and this incentive effect creates a strong company culture that ensures success.
Strengthening relationships
When employers are concerned about indulging their employees with games designed to meet the work goals and objectives, they allow better interaction, whether among teammates or between employers and employees.
This factor is crucial for establishing teams and encouraging teamwork, resulting in positive outcomes for the company. Employees will feel more comfortable in the workplace when they are closer to each other. Besides, encouraging collaboration allows employees to share knowledge, information, and experiences and learn from each other.
Another significant benefit of using games with employees is that they enable employers to learn more about their employees’ personalities and give them an insight into how they would respond to certain challenges or difficulties. Getting such information allows employers to know what to expect from each employee.
Providing job satisfaction
An exciting workplace where employers are attentive to supporting employees, influencing them, and engaging them with enjoyable activities brings about employee satisfaction and retention. When employees feel appreciated in their workplace, the chances of resigning are minimal. In return, employing Gamification in the company culture helps retain employees’ loyalty and talented workers.
Helping employees to skill up
By introducing various kinds of games like setting goals, giving status, community, educational games, and rewards, employees develop their skills and increase their knowledge of the company’s standards, policies, products, and technologies.
Furthermore, statistics show that information retention increases by around 40% when employees get involved in gratifying activities. Games have always been effective in information reinforcement besides providing memorable experiences that help over the long term.
Finally, using gamification procedures in the workplace brings along multiple benefits for companies. Employees enjoy working in an entertaining environment, and games are proven to engage employees in their tasks. Gamification leads to happier workers, which results in a stronger company culture that will help attain its goals and prevail in the marketplace.