Talent Acquisition Strategy That Works

Talent Acquisition Strategy That Works

The success of an organization either big or small is tied to the quality of employees. Talent acquisition is a strategic planning process that allows organizations to hire top talent. Hiring the right people is a challenging and daunting task. It is one of the most recognized principles in modern human resource management departments.

A talent acquisition strategy allows them to hire the best future employees for their organization. Employers must identify the individuals they want to target, and they draft strategies accordingly to reach out to the targeted individuals. If the talent acquisition strategy is poorly executed, then employers will miss out on the highly qualified candidates as they will be unaware of their job openings. 

Here is the talent acquisition strategy that will always work for organizations.

 Building An Employer Brand

Google is a highly recognizable brand that receives millions of applications every year.

Job seekers now put their effort into researching the company before applying. Without a good reputation, individuals will not be willing to apply. Therefore, organizations must build an employer brand so that highly talented individuals are attracted to them.

The information about the company’s mission, vision, perks, benefits, and working environment must be easily accessible and attractive so that everyone is aware of what the company has to offer. The more people will know about the organization the more likely they will be interested in joining.

To build the brand, the company must do the following:

  • First identify the characteristics of a potential job candidate and assess what their employees love about them as an employer.
  • Showcase what you are and have to offer on social media platforms for candidates to get a glimpse of the company.
  • Review and update your policies, see what more attractive perks, and benefits you can offer to your employees that will ultimately attract them to apply for your organization for example creating flexible work policies, offering internal training, etc.
  • Keep your communication with candidates professional, open, and timely responsive.
  • Define the channels and ways through which potential candidates can connect with human resources management.
  • Be active and let the world know how much you care about your employees.
  • The feedback of employees is highly critical. Companies should not listen to it but act on it. This will allow them to improve their practices.
Talent Acquisition Strategy That Works

Why Choose Employer Branding as a Talent Acquisition Strategy?

Building an employer brand is the one talent acquisition strategy that every organization needs. The following statistics show how essential it is for companies.  

  • According to a survey, 84% of the job seekers feel that the reputation of the company is an aspect when it comes to applying for a job.
  • 78% of the candidates feel that the candidate experience is an indicator of how a company values its employees (Talent Adore)
  • 9 out of 10 job seekers feel that they would apply for a job where the employer brand is actively maintained (Workable)
  • 80% of the talent acquisition managers feel that employer branding plays a significant role in hiring a great talent (LinkedIn
  • 50% of the candidates will never accept a job offer from a company with a bad reputation even if they offer higher pay. (Talent now)
  • 92% of the employees are more likely to change jobs if they are offered jobs from a company that has an excellent corporate reputation. (Glassdoor)
  • 69% of job seekers feel that they will apply for a job if the employer is active in managing its brand. (Glassdoor
  • Organizations with a good brand reputation receive twice as many applications as an organization with a negative brand. (Better Team Blog)
  • If an unlimited budget is allotted to recruiters, 53% of them will invest in employer branding. (LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends 2017)
  • Companies who invest in employer branding have three times more chances to make a quality hire. (Brandon Hall 2015)

In conclusion, the pursuit to hire top talent should not solely rely on traditional recruitment strategies. They need to develop successful talent acquisition strategies that will provide organizations with the opportunity to hire quality candidates. It will also help them in earning a glowing reputation. 

Read more in our own article Company culture attracts talent

If companies continue to work hard on ways to improve their strategies, then it will give them a competitive advantage over other companies. This advantage will lead them towards overall organizational success.

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