How elements of company’s culture help attract talents

Organization’s culture not only unites and leads the organization’s members, but also is visible to the outside world, including job seeking candidates.
In the research of “Robert Walters” recruitment company 90% of professionals say they have studied the culture of a company before accepting a role.
These are some of the ways people get to know organization culture:
- Job advertisement
- Organizations may publish their mission, vision statements and core values on their homepage and social media
- Employees also may share their workplace’s experience with their family and friends. Telling about life-work balance, being respected. Without noticing they become like ambassadors.
- Independent chart reviews on companies online
Magnetic culture
Zubin Zack defines that “magnet culture” is created by worthy practitioners of the trade rather than gifted wordsmiths. And by continuing the leader adds that talents are attracted by culture that people feel compelled to associate with and by culture that includes appreciation and recognition.
To recruit top talents by using the organization’s culture, it is important for employers to estimate which culture’s aspects matter to professionals. Survey shows that the top 3 cultural aspects that matter to professionals are: level of collaboration, remuneration package and transparent decision making by management. In another survey conducted by MIT Sloan Management Review employees emphasized feeling respected, supportive leaders and job security as the most important elements of corporate culture.
O.C.Tanner’s Global Culture Report in 2021 reported six essential elements that define thriving cultures and represent magnetic culture: purpose, opportunity, success, appreciation, wellbeing and leadership.
Strong and winning culture attracts talents, because they want to work in an organization with a strong culture and values that match their own values.
Highlight culure through EVP
Organizations can attract the most suitable and top performing professionals by using employee value proposition (EVP). The EVP should be carefully developed and it describes what benefits and rewards the employee will receive in return for their contribution.
Organizations with strong EVP know better their existing and desirable professionals, the characters of them, these organizations also look for culture fit in application letters during the recruitment process and companies with EVP do show their uniqueness among other competitors.
For example, development and learning culture can be emphasized in the EVP. PWC’s 2020 survey shows that organizations see the biggest progress in increase of employee engagement (27%) and talent attraction (26%) after making significant progress on upskilling.
Importance of cultural fit
Attracted talented employees matter for organization. Same as in another direction, when professionals clearly are aware where they apply. In result there appears the cultural fit.
Cultural fit benefits in 90% higher job satisfaction, 84% improved job performance, 81% less likely turnovers and 78% increased respect for the company. And also recruiting the top candidates leads to 17% higher productivity and 41% less absenteeism.
Organizations can attract talented and professional people by building and maintaining a strong and magnetic culture and highlighting their uniqueness and benefits through employee value proposition.
Most people have a look on the organization and its culture through their published information and employees experience. Information availability on an organization’s culture and organization’s certainty about the desired professionals promote the important cultural fit that matters both for organization and employees.