A Strong Employer Branding: The Key To Success

A Strong Employer Branding: The Key To Success

A Strong Employer Branding: The Key To Success

A Strong Employer Branding: The Key To Success

Employer branding is the practice of defining, developing and managing a company’s reputation as an employer, according to Glassdoor

When Corporate branding affects clients’ choice and perception of products and services, strong and clear employer branding most directly impacts current and potential employees’ perception of employer and organization. 

In satisfying employer branding organizations include organizational culture and values, benefit package, career development, work-life balance, flexibility and other unique features. In the research conducted by D. Mayer and K. Bravery in The World Economic Forum it was identified that the most successful brands in terms of employee retention align themselves with connection, progress, and employee development.

Employer branding advantages

Employer branding as an HR management strategy helps businesses in all sectors to stand out among competitors, attract talents, retain employees, decrease their turnovers by increasing employees’ loyalty and motivation, and also increases the number of candidates for one position. And due to these benefits from employer branding, organizations improve their financial performance. 

Internal and external branding 

Employer branding should be created as attractive in the internal and external environment of an organization. Employer branding with certain steps leads to employee retention and attraction.

Employer branding role in employee retention

A study shows a strong correlation between internal branding and employer image and attractiveness in employees eyes. In internal branding there are identified internal employer branding practices like team building, internal communication, employee opinion surveys, development and employee rewarding.

Employer branding that is developed through organization identity and organizational culture promotes employer brand loyalty and there follows employee retention.

A study shows a correlation between employer branding and turnover intention. Development value has a direct impact on turnover intention.

Employer branding role in employee attraction

Leading employer branding through employer value proposition and employer reputation promotes employer attractiveness and it promotes employee attraction.  

And the other important part in successful employer branding is that it must be tied with the experience of employees who already are working in organizations. It should go hand in hand with reality.

Employer value proposition

Employer value proposition is the backbone of employer branding. The proposition should include five following values

  • Economic values like monetary benefits
  • Development values like professional development and future career growth
  • Social values like work environment, united colleagues
  • Interest values like innovation and creativeness opportunities
  • Application values include both relevance of work and the meaning of work

People of various ages may prioritize certain values. In a research on employer branding younger respondents give importance to social and economic values in employer branding.

In a research survey respondents were asked to identify which aspects influence the most in job application. In the study 63% of respondents mentioned career growth opportunities, 19% named the work environment, 7% said company’s offerings, 6% emphasized employer-employee relationships.


Employer branding is essential in employee retention and attraction. In the hiring process candidates value career growth and work environment as the most important factors. Importance of employer branding continues to increase. The average budget for employer branding has increased more than 10% from 2020 to 2021.

In the process of employer branding creation and development professionals should construct employer value propositions that are strongly based on reality, and also examine the organization’s culture.

SEO keywords: employer branding, HR management strategy

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