Company Culture: The Key to Employee Engagement

Company Culture: The Key to Employee Engagement

Company Culture: The Key to Employee Engagement

  1. What is company culture, and why do we need it
    1.1. The role of HR specialists in creating a corporate culture
    1.2. What makes up company culture?
    1.3. What characterizes company culture?
  2. Setting business goals: what to take into account
    2.1. How to set meaningful goals?
    2.2. Transferring goals to employees
  3. The role of KPIs in the growth of company culture
    3.1. Key features of KPIs
    3.2. KPIs for measuring corporate culture
  4. Bringing the Mission to life in company culture
    4.1. Connect teams to the Mission
    4.2. Realistic examples of how to revive values to corporate culture
  5. Employee engagement in company culture vs. performance management
    training and skills development opportunities5.1. Feedback and a sustainable model
    5.2. How to evaluate and measure employee performance
    5.3. Snapshots of achievements
    5.4. Employee performance evaluation systems
    5.5. Softwares and apps for performance evaluation
    5.6. How to help employees improve their performance?
    Final thoughts

1. What is company culture, and why do we need it

A solid culture inspired by meaningful values and missions builds the foundation for a successful organization. If an organization has an effective culture, employees know what decisions to make according to the big vision.

Organizational culture inspires and shapes people’s behaviors and thinking. It builds of the shared belief in the company’s mission and the values proclaimed by the organization’s leaders and aligns people with the vision and strategic direction. Every organization shapes its own, unique culture that will inspire and create a context for everything it does. Informing every employee about organizational culture proves essential to ensure no employee is left “out” of this context. Read more: Ways to Improve the Company’s Culture and Morale

What happens if a company has a weak culture?

If an organization does not have clear goals and values, or if information is not communicated clearly enough to teams, often the results are: 

  • disengaged employees
  • frequent employee turnover
  • low productivity
  • lower revenue
  • and even a bad company reputation

Core values should appear in every business process. The fundamentals of the organization: 

  • mission
  • vision
  • values
  • and goals– 

need to be reinforced so employees develop awareness of these important culture components and can define and apply them to any work context. Leaders must lead their company’s culture but building it inclusively by involving everyone in the organization.

1.1. HR Specialists CHAMPION Organizational Culture

HR professionals serve as the main people taking care of the organization’s culture. HR professionals influence the culture in different ways:

  • Recruiting people who align with the values of the organization
  • Creating training, onboarding, and reboarding programs to inform employees about the company’s philosophy and goals
  • Giving recognition and appreciation to employees who bring the company’s values to life
  • Modelling the organization’s values
  • Exploring new strategies to strengthen corporate values within the organization
  • Offering feedback and providing effective communication channels
  • Resolving organizational problems in accordance with the company’s culture

It should be noted that the biggest challenge for HR is deciding how to use these tools and how to allocate resources appropriately.

1.2. What makes up company culture?

The habits, traditions, rituals, norms of behavior, and an organization’s way of working are the visible expression or result of its culture. There are key elements that leaders can set to guide and shape company culture:


The mission must reveal the meaning of the organization’s existence and shape its identity. Formulating a mission means more than the company’s desire to be best in its field or produce the best product. Instead, a mission is a way to discover an organization’s purpose, what makes it stand out from the rest, and motivates employees.


Vision describes the company’s desired future state, and it must be more specific than the organization’s big mission. A vision must be a measurable statement that formulates hopes and dreams for the organization. The vision is a source of inspiration and should serve as a basis for all strategic planning and goal setting. 


At the heart of organizational culture are shared values. Organizations need to decide which values will best reflect their mission and help achieve their goals. Clear values ensure that all employees work toward the same goals.


An organization’s goals visualize what actions align with the mission and vision. Setting measurable goals is crucial to monitor progress continuously. Selecting the right business goals can motivate teams, encourage engagement, and accelerate results.

Leaders should describe the organizational culture in a separate document or manifesto foreach employee to reference. The document serves as a guide that every member of the organization should follow.

1.3. What characterizes company culture?

Organizational cultures have several unique features, and understanding them helps to better comprehend the meaning and necessity of a company’s culture.

Organizational culture is:

  • Shared

Culture is made up of people, not individual characteristics. It is manifested in common behavior, philosophy and is formed by certain norms that everyone sets and engages in. Anyone belonging to an organization’s culture can promote its development or, on the contrary, hinder it.

  • Comprehensive

Culture must manifest itself at all levels of the organization and blend in with the company itself. Interestingly, certain aspects of culture are not visible directly, such as in strategies, way of thinking, motivation, inspiration, etc.

  • Sustainable

The culture is formed in the long run, and the organization develops through various experiences. The organization comes to life by overcoming challenges in a way aligned with its values. In addition, most often, people remain in the company if their personal qualities resonate with those of the organization, strengthening the corporate culture in the long run.

2. Setting business goals: what to take into account

Two factors play into setting an organizational goal:

  1. The alignment of the goal with the organization’s vision, mission, and values as well as the goals meaningful impact on the pursuit of these ideas.
  2. Employees reception of said goals; the effectiveness of the communication, engagement, and performance of the employees in relation to these goals.

Fortunately, leaders can take measures to ensure that teams move closer to the organization’s vision with effective goal-setting. Read more: Why Setting Goals is Important

2.1. How to set meaningful goals?

Grant Cardone, the author of “The 10X Rule”, has a special trick: he writes down his goals twice a day, once in the morning and then late at bedtime. He explains, “I want to wake up. I want to go to bed with it, and I want to dream about it. I want to write down my goals before I go to bed at night because they are important to me so I can wake them up again in the morning.”

Nowadays, there is talk everywhere about how crucial it is to set goals both in terms of individual growth and organizational development. What should we consider when setting goals? How do we make sure that the right goals are set?

  1. Set priorities

To set specific goals, you should clearly define critical priorities to ensure you’re focusing on what matters most. Priorities can also be divided into several sections.

  1. Ascertain priorities

In order to make sure that priorities are aligned with the goal, you can answer these questions:

  • Where are we now? – Understand and recognize the current situation and circumstances in their development phase.
  • What have we done so far? – Past experience forms a foundation for achieving future goals.
  • Where do we want to go? – What is the next destination or vision of the future.
  • What will bring us closer to our vision? – This is often the most important question in achieving goals.
  • What are our strengths/weaknesses? –  Build awareness of what will help, guide, or directly hinder the achievement of goals.

For strategies in ascertaining priorities, consider using something like a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis provides a framework for users to evaluate strengths, weaknesses,  opportunities, and threats relevant to their goal.

  1. Make sure the goals are realistic

Why is it so important to focus on realistic goals? Effective goal-setting requires a balance between aspiration and realistic expectations; striving for challenging, lofty goals can actually impede progress towards achieving a goal, as progress becomes minimized or devalued in goal pursuit for goals that cannot be achieved. Success not only depends on our creativity or motivation, but time constraints and countless other factors also influence it.

However, realistic goals can still reach high peaks! To determine whether the goals are realistic, ask: What limits your abilities? Can the goal be fulfilled? etc.

  1. Set both short-term and long-term goals

By dividing the goals by specific sections and by time interval, we can avoid many obstacles. In some way, short-term goals are also included in long-term goals, or they can be called milestones. Besides, achieving a milestone gives satisfaction and motivation to achieve the next!

For support and guidance in breaking up a challenging goal into milestones and manageable steps, consider using a tool like a Goal Map. Similar to writing down your goal like Grant Cardone, mapping your goal helps people envision their goal clearly and work toward achieving it.

  1. Plan to achieve goals

The hardest part of any goal; building momentum. Social scientists call this “Crossing the Rubicon”, referring to Alexander the Great crossing the Rubicon River. Alexander’s advisors told him this action would signify a point of no-return, but he pursued anyway and proceeded to conquer the known world. In goal pursuit, getting the initial traction to start and keep going presents as the most challenging part of the goal, but once it’s done, the goal’s fate lies in your hands. 

2.2. Transferring goals to employees

Setting goals alone is not enough; the following steps should include consistently and accurately informing employees about goals, deadlines, strategies, and the role of each employee in the goal. Unfortunately, statistics show that employees generally receive poor information about goals, do not clearly understand how the company intends to achieve them, or that the goals are not reflected in the company’s culture.

Some statistics on achieving goals in organizations:

  • According to Asana study, 7 out of 10 employees believe they can better achieve their goals with a clear understanding of work management and organization.
  • “Companies that set quarterly performance goals can make 31% more profit than those that set goals once a year,” states Josh Bersin, an HR researcher, and expert.

How to communicate the company’s goals to employees?

– For employees to feel motivated to achieve their goals, the desired outcome must be sufficiently ambitious and at the same time realistic; a good balance is essential

– Ideally, big goals can be broken down into smaller tasks and placed on a timeline so that teams have a clear action plan

– Employees need to be aware of their responsibilities and tasks, but the manager can invite them to show initiative and share ideas that could further help achieve the goal

– Make sure that absolutely all employees are well informed about long-term and short-term goals

– It would be helpful to tell employees how others are doing and share the progress

Working towards a common goal can effectively unite the team, raise employee morale, revitalize the organization’s culture and develop new skills. Therefore, it is worth investing time to create a clear plan, pass information on to employees, and actively engage everyone.

3. The role of KPIs in the growth of company culture

To measure goal progress, organizations increasingly use key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs break  goals into measurable values that show how effectively an organization achieves results across all levels (overall organizational performance, sales, finance, marketing, HR, support, etc.). Transparent reporting with KPIs allows you to monitor projects, risks, and employee success.

Here are some examples of how KPIs help manage and grow your business:

Financial information

The research of corporate financial information provides quick reports that provide insight into how the business currently operates. KPIs allow you to identify and eliminate potential threats and undesirable developments for the future.

Employee evaluation

KPIs that measure employee productivity cover timeworked, revenue earned, deadlines, and quality assessment. To compare the number of hours worked by an employee with actual performance, managers should combine KPIs with an overall evaluation of completed projects.

Process monitoring

Many companies face borrowings, loans, and other liabilities. To make it easier to monitor and forecast the corresponding payments or refunds, KPIs’ management tools can easily predict and reflect the financial performance.

3.1. Key features of KPIs

Regular monitoring of KPIs ensures leaders can stay on top of the company’s development trends and its progresses. Many companies tend to set too many KPIs; either in the wrong proportions, and ineffectively. For KPIs to be effective, they should focus on the most essential characteristics and be defined to evaluate the specific strategy.

  1. Simple

KPIs should be easy and straightforward to understand. Jay Liebowitz, a business analysis expert, says: “An effective KPI is one that makes decisions, not additional questions. For example, “How many customers did we add this quarter?” is clear and simple example.”

  1. Fitting

An easy-to-understand KPI needs to have relevance to the company’s industry and the chosen strategy. For example, the question “Do company executives who subscribe to employee engagement software also buy an audit service for their organization?” is a valuable indicator for sales managers. This KPI can help the sales manager better understand where there are additional sales opportunities in their existing customer base.

Compliance ensures the correct measurement of KPIs, thus increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

  1. Adjusted

To eliminate existing threats to the strategy’s implementation, align appropriate KPIs with the company’s goals. For example, a company that focuses on customer service would focus on customer retention rather than acquiring new customers. An example of this type of business KPI could be: “How many customers has Sales Representative X visited this month?”

  1. Applicable in action

Theoretically developed KPIs do not always work well in practical business, so these indicators should apply to the activities that employees will perform. Managers should build business KPIs based on a positive impact on the company and improve development opportunities.

  1. Measurable

For the company to also analyze and evaluate the obtained KPIs, they must be measurable. An effective KPI avoids general goals such as “improving marketing”. Instead, an effective KPI should be based on a robust, well-defined objective that can lead to qualitative and quantitative measures. For example, “increase social network activity by 20% in half a year” would be a measurable, robust goal that leaders may measure and utilize.

3.2. KPIs for measuring corporate culture

Evaluating the current organizational culture depends on the development of effective team management strategies based on its goals and values. How can something as abstract as culture be measured? Introducing key performance indicators relevant to culture:

  • Get employee feedback. Employee surveys involving individuals at all levels, functions, departments, and locations of the organization are the best way to assess corporate culture in order to maintain inclusion.
  • Analyze and inform about the evaluation results. Leaders and HR managers should discuss the findings and pass on information to other teams about which areas of the organization’s culture need improvement.
  • Lead employee focus groups. This can help determine employees’ personal views on how they see the company’s values and corporate culture in general.

Corporate culture assessments and other activities, such as value audits and reviews, can help detect cultural inconsistencies. Maybe existing values do not help achieve the company’s goals; employees may not be informed about them or, perhaps, values are not implemented in practice. Managers and staff need to resolve the contradictions. For example, if customer service is the focus of a company’s culture, evaluate how much time employees spend communicating with customers, what customer service training they receive, and so on. Read more: Importance of Employee Satisfaction Survey

4. Bringing the Mission to life in company culture

4.1. Connect teams to the  Mission

Sometimes employees manage to connect with the company’s values and mission on their own . However, these employees are a rarity. More often, employees don’t know their organization’s Missionor may not feel  inspired by it. Surprisingly, 61% of employees can’t say the company’s mission. Surveys also reveal that 57% of employees do not feel motivated to work for the organization’s mission.

Companies should strive to inspire people to link personal goals to the organization’s goals. Alignment with the Mission engages employees in their work. Employees that find a more purposeful experience in their work will gain more from their work for both personal and professional growth, and the organization will also see benefits from inspired employees

How to align the team with your company’s goals and mission?

Fortunately, almost anyone can find a way to relate their life’s mission to their work and its values. Of course, it is vital that the employee has a clear goal of their life and what they want to achieve. Identifying values considered important to the employee and understanding the organization’s values can enable leaders to link them. And if alignment fails, it is unlikely that such an employee is a good fit for the organization.

As far as possible, the manager should help his employees find a good perspective on how to look at their role and encourage engagement. Here are some ideas:

Always keep  the organization’s mission and goals top of mind

Ideally, managers should write this mission and all other information about the company’s culture in a visible place in the workplace. If employees work remotely, it is advisable to ask each employee to write down their mission and goals and how they fit into the “overall picture”.

Find practical ways to bring values to life

Company values created only for the brand and the website’s content carry little meaning. Employees must reflect values in the company’s operations and daily processes. For example, if a value is the teamwork, the company should focus on friendship, close cooperation, and team-building activities. In contrast, if a value is energy, the organization’s culture should focus on challenges, enthusiasm, well-being activities, etc.

Organize regular meetings and feedback

During anymeeting, remind employees that every decision in their job responsibilities must remain in accordance with the organizational culture and established vision. Also, by giving feedback on the employee’s achievements, the employee can be encouraged to connect their work with the organization’s big picture or organizational goals, i.e., how his performance will affect the company’s development in the long run.

Reward for achieving goals

Any employee who has succeeded in achieving a goal or, for example, demonstrating a value that strengthens the company’s culture needs recognition and praise by the company’s leaders. This will reveal to the team what behavior the employer expects and encourage others to do the same.

4.2. Realistic examples of how to revive values to corporate culture 

Many companies focus on goals and achievements but forget about core values in the work process. Understanding values promotes the company’s operations. Therefore, companies should ensure that people (both employees and customers) know what they are talking about and what they are doing. How can someone realize company values and make them visible to everyone?

What managers can do to bring their company’s values to life:

  • Communicate core values to employees with examples.
  • Create an emotional connection between each core value and all employees (this requires an individual meeting with each employee).
  • Demonstrate the importance of values in the company’s entire operation and why they are needed.
  • Demonstrate a firm belief in the values of the organization.
  • Praise employees for reflecting the company’s values.

“Culture is the realization of values. Values are written words, and your culture is how you actually experience them.” – Jeff Lawson

Every organization is different, as is each company’s culture and values. Managers need openness to new strategies and ways of thinking about improving their company’s culture. Many companies worldwide have found effective ways to bring values to life and create an environment that inspires, motivates, and supports.Some examples of companies that have revived their values include:

Twitter (health, trust, straightforwardness, purpose)

Interestingly, Twitter has made health or healthy conversations one of its values. The company also demonstrates this value within their teams. Employees are offered sports classes and outdoor meetings. Similar to the value of “trust”, the company wants users of its platform to trust this tool, so its employees are regularly educated at “Twitter University”.

Nerdery (continuously expanding borders; maintain integrity in all circumstances; stay humble;

win by encouraging people; solve problems pragmatically)

The name of the IT company Nerdery is derived from the word nerd. They emphasize that they want to encourage and support employees to do what they like, no matter how different and unusual their interests. Creating such a corporate culture can be a big challenge, but one of Nerdery’s values is to “continuously expand its capabilities”, which is well in line with this ambition. Such a culture also includes the value of “maintaining integrity in all circumstances” and “winning by encouraging people”, in this case, their employees. Their office shows the employees’ various interests, such as in video game rooms and meeting rooms, designed in the theme of the “Jurassic World”.

Google (highlighted 10 values as their philosophy)

Google has been known for many years for the numerous bonuses and opportunities the company provides to its employees. One of the world’s largest companies can afford to set 10 values that actually include a code of conduct for employees:

  1. Focus on the user, and everything else will follow.
  2. It’s best to do one thing really, really well.
  3. Fast is better than slow.
  4. Democracy on the web works.
  5. You don’t have to be at your desk to need an answer.
  6. You can earn money without doing evil.
  7. There is always more information out there.
  8. The need for information crosses all borders.
  9. You can be serious without a suit.
  10. Great just isn’t good enough.

‍Netflix (integrity, excellence, respect, inclusion, and cooperation)

Netflix chooses to increase employee responsibility and freedom. They do not pay attention to how many hours someone works but to each employee’s results. Netflix has also explained how it brings its values to life within the company. The value of “respect” is expressed in the utmost openness to each other. The company’s value of “integrity” is expressed in encouraging every employee to make decisions independently, while “excellence” is reflected in the approach to leaving only those who show efficiency in their team.

Adobe (real, unusual, innovative, involved)

Adobe states that they are involved as a company. The company’s employees are entrusted with various complex tasks, and managers act more like business coaches, which help find the best ways to achieve goals. Adobe does not use micro-management because it believes that it prevents employees from being creative and prevents them from reaching their company’s value “innovation”.

Each company has found its unique approach that allows them to better achieve their goals and implement their vision. But what all these cultures have in common is being people-centered and ensuring that employees in the company are happy and able to realize the potential.

5. Employee engagement in company culture vs. performance management

If employees have awareness of the organization’s mission and goals and of their role in achieving them, they will see how they can invest, grow with the company, and work enthusiastically. However, employee engagement depends on many different factors and often presents variably. The leader’s task is to constantly help his employees maintain motivation and vigor to work. Read more: Engaging Employees in an Interesting Project as a Motivation Strategy

Create a sustainable performance measurement system to maintain high employee performance, that includes:

  • regular feedback on what has been done
  • evaluations of the work based on how it approximates the objective
  • reminders of goals and inspiration
  • timely notification of any changes

5.1. Feedback and a sustainable model

As many studies show, providing feedback positively affects an organization’s performance. “Performance Feedback, Goal Clarity, and Public Employees’ Performance in Public Organizations” study focused on the extent to which the use of feedback can help employees improve their performance in achieving their goals.This study found that positive feedback on the achieved result strengthens the desired behavior, promoting individual productivity and professional development. As a result, feedback helps employees achieve future goals while contributing to the organization’s overall performance. Work performance feedback reduces the gap between the individual’s current level of performance and the standards expected by the organization.

“Achievements and results are expected from employees, and managers have a responsibility to create an environment where maximum results are possible.”

– Rob Burn, President of L & L Solutions

5.2. How to evaluate and measure employee performance

Employee performance is the end result of organizational goals and strategies and a manifestation of how an organization’s culture (and all its aspects – mission, goals, values) helps to achieve a desired or intended impact. However, the challenge for employers or responsible managers to adequately and successfully assess an employee’s long-term performance.

Ways to evaluate performance and results:

  • Create graphical rating scales

HR managers can create Likert scales to assess employee performance to assess different areas. Such rating scales work with numbers and with ratings. Such a rating scale can be used to assess, for example, whether an employee always does work on time, participates in decision-making, suggests new ideas, understands the task, etc.

  • Take into account 360-degree reviews

To evaluate an employee not only from their point of view, take into account the opinions and assessments of all colleagues in the work environment or other managers. By summing up all the evaluations, one can objectively evaluate the positive and negative aspects repeated several times.

  • Ask for employee’s self-assessment

This is a challenge for any employee when it comes to making an honest assessment of themselves. Self-assessments help the employer better understand the employee’s position, view of their performance, and efforts. Managers can use the obtained employee self-assessment to discuss the employee’s growth and improvement opportunities, and understand the strengths and weaknesses from the employee’s point of view.

  • Lead according to the goals

This type of leadership involves a process in which employees and managers work together to create goals. They jointly define individual goals, their compliance with the company’s goals, and how to measure and evaluate the results. Goal-setting gives employees a clear understanding of the challenges ahead and allows them to participate in a process that promotes better communication and motivation.

Snapshots of achievements

Many companies in today’s changing work environment use employee performance snapshots to evaluate employee performance. For example, Deloitte replaces the review process with operational snapshots in which the employee is evaluated at a particular point in time rather than throughout the year. Such snapshots are taken, for instance, after an employee completes a project, as the snapshots provide a realistic overview and topic of discussion with employees about the latest results while the project is just over. In this context, supervisors can grant performance recognition, identify challenges or obstacles, and figure what training they should organize if necessary.

5.4. Employee performance evaluation systems

“A strong performance management system not only helps employees align with the organization’s mission and goals but also greatly helps build trust.”

– Saurabh Nigam, Vice President of Human Capital, Omidyar Network

Based on well-established and accepted employee performance appraisal principles, new methods have emerged to promote employee growth and efficiency.

  1. Peer reviews are a way for employees to evaluate their colleagues. Such feedback helps to understand the team’s strengths and weaknesses and the ability to cooperate. This rating system would also be used to evaluate the potential for promotion. When a manager discerns an employee’s promotion, comparative feedback from other colleagues helps.
  1. Independent evaluation of reports support timely goal achievement . In atraditional approach, significant annual decisions are made at the end of the reporting year. In turn, modern companies such as Microsoft and Adobe use independent and regular reviews of information without delaying the end of the year. For example, Adobe introduced a new Check-in model where managers and employees regularly discuss new goals and objectives.
  1. Social network reviews have responded to the growing popularity of social media. Social platforms will play an important role in employees’ future opportunities, as companies consider accidental, unseen, unwanted feedback from many resources. A company like Amazon also collects feedback about employees from social networks. Managers do not report it to employees but use widely available information and resources to evaluate and make decisions.

5.5. Softwares and apps for performance evaluation

Employers can implement useful performance management software and applications to improve business performance and employee efficiency. Well-made software accurately assesses each employee’s contribution to the work process and achievement of organizational goals.

Here are some of such software:

PerformYard Talent 

This flexible solution offers performance reports, goal management, continuous and 360-degree feedback, and easy-to-read reports. This software provides both the company and each employee goals by providing feedback and activity reports on the process.

Trakstar Performance Management

This software offers unlimited online performance reports, automated workflows and notifications, performance reports and evaluations, 360-degree feedback, self-evaluations, goal setting and tracking, and an employee engagement matrix.

Reviewsnap Performance Appraisal

This software simplifies performance management and metrics with online performance reports, 360-degree feedback, performance notes, goal setting, and reporting. Read more: 5 Reasons Your Small Business Should Use LMS Software.

5.6. How to help employees improve their performance?

According to On the clock data, “84% of employees who work in successful companies receive professional training and development programs for employee growth.” Since 2018, the number of implemented and established employee development programs has increased, as supervisors value employees as the most essential resource. Thus, by investing in employees’ development, it is possible to achieve higher success in the company and develop its capabilities.

“Good performance is related to positive communication between the manager and the employee. The leader is like a coach and a communicator, not a commander and a controller, ” according to Dave Ulrich, Co-Founder, and Director of the RBL Group.

Employee training programs increase employee engagement, promote productive performance, and educate employees to perform their assigned duties at work even better and more fully. Employees who know how and what to do will not be confused, will not spend unnecessary time trying to understand the work to be done, or do not understand the technical knowledge required for the job.

“Companies that learn the fastest and adapt well to a changing environment perform best over time,” says Edward Hess, business management professor.

Even in remote work? – Yes!

Online employee training is as valuable as face-to-face and provides benefits such as:

  • Saves time and money by not having to plan to teach at different timesGuarantees consistency of information at all levels or all employees can receive the same information and training
  • Location-independent training (for example, in companies with branches in several countries)Provides digital traceability for results and evaluationProvides employees with easy access to information, reducing uncertainty, erroneous information

What steps need to be taken to make online training effective?

  1. Goal setting

The first step in employee training and development programs is understanding why to do this and what the goal is. It is not enough to think that these programs are widespread or beneficial. Need to understand which job specifics and general professional skills would be helpful?

  1. Defining existing skills

Understanding the team’s skills supports a more meaningful experience with training and development programs designed to help employees develop skills. In the form of a survey or conversation, understand each employee’s strengths and skills they feel confident about. Although learning never stops, it is better to focus on new skills that are not yet so well developed.

  1. New skills

Practical employee training relies on more than just the company’s goals. Consider the employees’ views on what skills the employees themselves want to develop. From the collected information, conclude what skills to build or improve according to the company’s goals and the need to perform the work.

Managers can improve employee performance in a variety of ways. To mention some of the most powerful: offering the necessary tools to get the job done more efficiently and faster, offering training programs that meet employees’ direct responsibilities, and providing precise tasks and feedback.

Final thoughts

An organizational culture that includes an inspiring mission, a clear vision, goals to achieve, and appropriate values largely determine how engaged employees will be and how well they will perform. For employees to work in an organization for a long time and invest in their workplace, work needs meaning and purpose. Culture needs to be alive and inclusive to foster team loyalty, trust, satisfaction, and productivity. Hence, every leader needs to make sure their organization building a solid and encouraging foundation.

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