Boosting Your Bottom Line: The Importance of Employee Engagement

Boosting Your Bottom Line: The Importance of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a multidimensional construct that refers to the extent to which employees are committed to their work and organization, feel a sense of belonging, and are motivated to contribute to its success. A highly engaged workforce is associated with numerous benefits, such as increased productivity, lower turnover rates, and improved customer satisfaction. In…

Employee engagement for business needs

Employee engagement for business needs

Employee engagement is a critical aspect of any organization’s success. It refers to employees’ emotional and psychological investment in their work and their organization. Engaged employees are more motivated, productive, and committed to their work, which in turn leads to better business outcomes for the organization. However, employee engagement can be difficult to measure and…

The Power of Gamification in Improving Company Culture 

The Power of Gamification in Improving Company Culture 

Gamification is a mechanism that has been introduced previously in the workplace. Still, just recently, companies started to adopt Gamification in their culture. %70  of global companies integrate Gamification into their work system, according to studies and statistics Using Gamification during daily activities while providing safety and compliance training or educating employees about the company’s…