How to Help Employees Who Feel Burnt Out?
Burnout is a real problem. A Gallup survey found that 23% of employees felt burned out often or always, and 44% sometimes. Adding them up, we can get about 70% of the employees who face this problem.
Burnout is a real problem. A Gallup survey found that 23% of employees felt burned out often or always, and 44% sometimes. Adding them up, we can get about 70% of the employees who face this problem.
It is important for business owners to create a workplace where employees want to return every day. In order to recruit and retain the best talent in a company, employers need to identify what makes their corporate offices a pleasant and motivating work environment.
In today’s competitive landscape, creativity is a driving force that can help a company experience rapid growth. Creative employees are usually more productive and help in the development of the company.
As complex as the issue may seem, it is always possible to resolve a team conflict. To come up with the best solution, it is important to understand every aspect of the conflict. Why? Happy employees are loyal employees.
Maintaining employee motivation in an office environment is a difficult task for a manager. However, it is one of the most important tools in the workplace, as motivated employees are the most productive and produce the best quality work.
Taking responsibility for everyone’s well-being can sometimes be daunting, but good HR managers are driven and organized people who want to help companies achieve their goals and employees reach their potential.
If we imagine that the company is a big boat, but the employees are its rowers, then less than a third (about 30%) are very engaged and active rowers doing their best, half are rowing but not being productive and psychologically connected to it (not engaged) and approximately 20% want to leave the boat and are looking for somewhere else to row (disengaged).
Many teams often think that their employees are engaged without really understanding whether this is the case. Here’s how to really understand what’s going on in your company and make sure your team is fully engaged.